石狮 Stone Lions
2017-07-26石狮 Stone Lions
文物时间: 1924
Time: March, 1924
Location: Outside the west school gate
Category: Relics
燕京大学于1924年从民间购得,在北大文书档案馆里,还存有当时购买这对石狮的契据,全文是: “立字人文翰章,兹因祖遗有石狮一对齐整无损。今因合族生计艰难,商同合族允可出售。今经介绍人贞德元等说合,卖与燕京大学使用。三面言明议价现洋柒佰元,先付定洋壹百元,俟起运时全行付清。再者起运经工人手重损坏,并连脚有失,本卖主概不负责。本买主按约履行付钱呈数。以此立字为证。”
Peking University purchased them from the folk. There was still the receipt in the university document archives. Its full text was the following:
The writer Wen Hanzhang has a pair of stone lions handing down from my ancestor. Now because of the difficult livelihood, the family allows to sell them, through the introducer Zhen Deyuan, to Yenching University. We make it seven hundred yuan, 100 of which will be paid at first and the remaining paid once transported. I will be irresponsible if damaged afterwards. This writing will be the proof.