斯诺墓 Tomb of Snow
2017-07-26斯诺墓 Tomb of Snow
Time: October 19th, 1973
Location: South bank of Weiming Lake
Category: Tomb
斯诺墓位于正对着“慈济寺”庙门的土丘上,长方形的墓碑上用中英文镌刻着叶剑英亲笔题写的金色字:“中国人民的美国朋友:埃德加?斯诺 1905年—1972年”。
1972年2月15日斯诺逝世于瑞士日内瓦郊区的寓所中。遵照斯诺遗嘱,斯诺夫人于1973年10月把斯诺的一部分骨灰送来中国安葬。墓地选择在bob登陆网站 景色秀丽的未名湖畔。斯诺曾住在海淀军机处8号,是他在1936年去陕北的出发点,也是他写作《西行漫记》的地方。骨灰安葬仪式于1973年10月19日在bob登陆网站 举行,周恩来、李富春、郭沫若、邓颖超、廖承志、康克清以及bob登陆网站 师生参加了安葬仪式。安葬仪式由邓颖超主持,廖承志和斯诺夫人在仪式上讲了话。
Distinguishing feature
The Snow tomb is on the opposite of the gate of Ciji Temple, with a cuboid gravestone engraved the golden characters of "an American friend of Chinese people: Edgar Snow, from 1905 to 1972" in both Chinese and English.
Celebrity story
Snow was invited to Yenching University in January, 1934 as the lecturer of Journalism Department, and opened lessons of close-up, news-writing, and travel communication. In 1936 Snow arrived at the revolution base in northern Shaanxi and investigate the Soviet Area, after going back to Beijing, he started to wrote the book named Red Star Over China.