塞万提斯像 The Statue of Cervantes
2017-07-26塞万提斯像 The Statue of Cervantes
Time: October 5th, 1982
Location: Southwest of university history museum, north of lotus pond in ShaoYuan
Category: Statue
铜质,高2.35米,塞万提斯身着西班牙披风,右手持书,腰挎宝刀,目视前方,威武潇洒。雕像后基座上刻有“西班牙马德里市政府赠 一九八六年十月”。
1616年4月23日,塞万提斯去世,被草草埋葬,甚至没有立下墓碑,直到1835年西班牙政府才在西班牙的马德里广场为他建立了纪念碑,碑的上端有塞万提斯的石雕像。1986年北京市与西班牙马德里市结为姊妹城市,之后,马德里市政局特意复制矗立在该市区广场的塞万提斯像,赠送给北京市民。北京市政府决定将它安放在bob登陆网站 校园。1986年10月3日在北大举行了安放仪式。
Distinguishing Feature
The statue is bronze with a height of 2.35 meters, the forward-looking Cervantes dresses in Spain cloak, with a book in right hand and carries a sword on waist, looked powerful and handsome. The back of foundation carved words of "presented by the City Hall of Madrid, Spain, in October 1986 "
Celebrity Story
Cervantes died on April 23th in 1616, was hastily buried even without a gravestone. Until 1835 the Spain government built a monument for him on the Madrid Plaza, on the top of monument stands a stone statue of Cervantes. In 1986, Beijing and Madrid has became to sister cities, then the City hall of Madrid duplicated the Cervantes statue specially and presented it to Beijing. Beijing government finally decided to set it in the campus of Peking University, and on October 3th 1986 held a place ceremony in Peking University.