临湖轩 Lin Hu Xuan
2017-07-26临湖轩 Lin Hu Xuan
Primitive Name: Lin Feng Dai Yue Lou(a romantic name which means that a building which is facing the breeze and waiting for the moon)
Time: 1920~1929
Category: Architectural relic
Location: on the hillside of the Unnamed Lake's west
临湖轩的遗址是乾隆年间和珅淑春园的“临风待月楼”,1860年淑春园被毁时只有未名湖边的石舫基座和这座楼保存下来。燕大建校时,司徒雷登的费城友人——乔治?柯里夫妇(Mr&Mrs George)捐资修缮此楼,赠给校长司徒雷登作为住宅。1931年根据冰心提议将其命名为“临湖轩”,胡适书写制匾悬挂于中间大厅临湖一面的门额上,实际上是接待来访贵宾、召开重要会议的公共场所。
曾经为燕大北大校长居住地,今天,临湖轩作为bob登陆网站 的贵宾接待室,每年要接待几十个国家几千名来北大参观访问的外宾以及港澳同胞和侨胞,党中央的领导来北大视察工作也常常来此驻足。
临湖轩曾经住过燕京大学校长司徒雷登和北大校长马寅初,正是这两位校长,代表了从燕京大学到现在的bob登陆网站 的建设与学术的精神的发展。1929年著名学者吴文藻和冰心的婚礼在临湖轩举行,1935年,吴文藻的高足费孝通和王同惠又是在这里举行婚礼,两场婚礼主婚人都是司徒雷登校长,演绎了临湖轩的佳话。
Distinguishing feature
Lin Hu Xuan is one of the oldest cultural relic in the Peking University.Located on the small hill of the western side of the Unnamed Lake, it is a tranquil courtyard surrounded by bamboos. In 1920s, It was where John Leighton Stuart lived and received his visitors. In 1931, Bing Xin, a well-known women writer, named it “Lin Hu Xuan”.
Lin Hu Xuan is not a big structure, but it has lots of stories to tell the visitors. One of its owners, John Leighton Stuart, had great influence on the development of Yenching University. .As an American, he spent most of his lifetime in China. He once wrote, “For most part of my life, China is my home. I was not only born in that country but also closely linked to it and its people spiritually. I lived there and have lots of good friends.”
Lin Hu Xuan was once used as the apartment of the president of Peking University. Today, Lin Hu Xuan is used as the reception room to receive the foreign visitors, including government leaders, experts and scholars. As the former home of John Leighton Stuart,it is the best memento to this educationalist.