海晏堂引水槽 Haiyan Tang Gutter
2019-04-08海晏堂引水槽 Haiyan Tang Gutter
Location: Not far from south of the West Gate
Category: Sites of cultural relics
从西校门南行不远,在柏油路两侧,摆放着两块汉白玉长条石刻。石刻呈须弥座形,略有弧度。上层饰莲瓣纹,束腰饰 S形纹,底部正中饰蝠形纹,四角饰卷草纹。
Distinguishing feature
Not far from south of the West Gate stand two white marble stone strips. The slightly curved strips have lotus petal patterns on the upper layer, Spatterns in the middle, and bat patterns on the bottom.
Not far from south of the West Gate stand two white marble stone strips. The slightly curved strips have lotus petal patterns on the upper layer, Spatterns in the middle, and bat patterns on the bottom.
They used to be the gutter in front of the Haiyan Tang (Hall of Calm Sea) in the middle of the Xiyang Lou area. In the plaza in front of the Haiyan Tang was the celebrated Twelve Bronze Animal Heads Fountain. According to the extant copperplate etching of the Haiyan Tang, the gutter must have been located on top of the bronze animal heads.
They used to be the gutter in front of the Haiyan Tang (Hall of Calm Sea) in the middle of the Xiyang Lou area. In the plaza in front of the Haiyan Tang was the celebrated Twelve Bronze Animal Heads Fountain. According to the extant copperplate etching of the Haiyan Tang, the gutter must have been located on top of the bronze animal heads.