鸣鹤园 The Minghe Garden
2019-04-08鸣鹤园 The Minghe Garden
Location: in the northwest of the campus
Category: Architectural relics
鸣鹤园在其全盛之时曾被誉为京西五大邸园之一,其面积约 9 公顷,园中山峦起伏,沟壑纵横,又有两处池水(今荷花池与红湖),一派自然山水风光。历经坎坷后,鸣鹤园中原有建筑大多已荡然无存,仅有翼然亭保存完好。今日鸣鹤园中建有赛克勒考古与艺术博物馆、考古文博学院新馆、生物技术楼、动物房等——均为仿古建筑,以期与鸣鹤园的古典风貌相契合。园中有石刻“鸣鹤园”三字,为启功先生题写。
鸣鹤园在其全盛之时曾被誉为京西五大邸园之一,其面积约 9 公顷,园中山峦起伏,沟壑纵横,又有两处池水(今荷花池与红湖),一派自然山水风光。历经坎坷后,鸣鹤园中原有建筑大多已荡然无存,仅有翼然亭保存完好。今日鸣鹤园中建有赛克勒考古与艺术博物馆、考古文博学院新馆、生物技术楼、动物房等——均为仿古建筑,以期与鸣鹤园的古典风貌相契合。园中有石刻“鸣鹤园”三字,为启功先生题写。
鸣鹤园原为嘉庆第五子惠亲王绵愉所有,后由徐世昌购得,又转手归陈树藩所有,并于 1928年左右由燕京大学购得作为校园的一部分。当年徐世昌拆除园中建筑,将建筑构件运回老家,对园区造成了毁灭性的破坏。
鸣鹤园原为嘉庆第五子惠亲王绵愉所有,后由徐世昌购得,又转手归陈树藩所有,并于 1928年左右由燕京大学购得作为校园的一部分。当年徐世昌拆除园中建筑,将建筑构件运回老家,对园区造成了毁灭性的破坏。
Distinguishing feature
The Minghe Garden was thought to be one of the most beautiful gardens in the city of Beijing. You will find the Yiran Pavilion and the Arthur M. Sackler Museum of Art and Archaeology located in this garden.
The Minghe Garden was thought to be one of the most beautiful gardens in the city of Beijing. You will find the Yiran Pavilion and the Arthur M. Sackler Museum of Art and Archaeology located in this garden.
The Minghe Garden was originally owned by the fifth son of Jiaqing, Prince Mianyu. It was acquired by Xu Shichang, then owned by Chen Shufan, and was purchased by Yenching University as part of the campus around 1928.
The Minghe Garden was originally owned by the fifth son of Jiaqing, Prince Mianyu. It was acquired by Xu Shichang, then owned by Chen Shufan, and was purchased by Yenching University as part of the campus around 1928.