旗杆座(1924) Flagpole Seat (1924)
2019-04-08旗杆座(1924) Flagpole Seat (1924)
Location: Within the West Gate and on the lawn southwest of the Waiwen Building
Category: Architectural relics
该小型石质旗杆座为三块方形石块堆叠而成,上、中、下三块边长分别约 0.62 米、0.47 米、0.32 米,顶部有一圆洞。最上层的石块有所残缺,它的一侧刻有铭文“CONSERVATION AND RECONSTRUCTION”,背面刻有年代“1924”。其来源与用途尚不清楚。
Distinguishing feature
The small flagpole seat is made of a stack of three square stones, whose sides measure 0.62, 0.47 and 0.32 meter respectively. The one on the top is damaged, with the inscription “CONSERVATION AND RECONSTRUCTION” on one side and the year “1924” on the back. Its source and usage are not clear yet.
The small flagpole seat is made of a stack of three square stones, whose sides measure 0.62, 0.47 and 0.32 meter respectively. The one on the top is damaged, with the inscription “CONSERVATION AND RECONSTRUCTION” on one side and the year “1924” on the back. Its source and usage are not clear yet.