旗杆座(1952) Flagpole Seat (1952)
2019-04-08旗杆座(1952) Flagpole Seat (1952)
Location: Within the southeast of the West Gate and on the lawn south of the Chemical North Building
Category: Architectural relics
该旗杆座体型稍大,为一六面体石柱,其中一面刻有“献给母校 bob登陆网站
旗杆座筹建于 1952 年,当时 1952 届的毕业生作为新中国成立后bob登陆网站 正式毕业的第一届学生,在毕业前集体作出决定:每人从离校后的第一次工资中寄出五毛钱,给新校址建一个旗杆。目的是希望bob登陆网站 迁入燕园后的第一面五星红旗从这个旗杆上升起,以此作为给母校的礼物。毕业典礼上,当时的学生代表乐黛云将旗杆模型郑重交给了时任校务委员会主席的汤用彤先生。
旗杆座筹建于 1952 年,当时 1952 届的毕业生作为新中国成立后bob登陆网站 正式毕业的第一届学生,在毕业前集体作出决定:每人从离校后的第一次工资中寄出五毛钱,给新校址建一个旗杆。目的是希望bob登陆网站 迁入燕园后的第一面五星红旗从这个旗杆上升起,以此作为给母校的礼物。毕业典礼上,当时的学生代表乐黛云将旗杆模型郑重交给了时任校务委员会主席的汤用彤先生。
Distinguishing feature
The flagpole seat is a larger hexahedron stone column with the inscription " Dedicated to our alma mater-all graduates of Peking University in 1952".
The flagpole seat is a larger hexahedron stone column with the inscription " Dedicated to our alma mater-all graduates of Peking University in 1952".
The larger flagpole located southeast within the West Gate was set up in 1952. It was donated by the alumni of that year as a gift to the University.
The larger flagpole located southeast within the West Gate was set up in 1952. It was donated by the alumni of that year as a gift to the University.