蔚秀园 Weixiu Garden
2019-04-08蔚秀园 Weixiu Garden
Location: North of Changchun Garden, opposite the West Gate
Category: Sites of cultural relics
蔚秀园原为圆明园附属园林之一,也曾经作为道光年间定郡王载铨的赐园,原名含芳园,又称定王园。咸丰八年(1858),含芳园被转赐醇亲王奕譞,并由咸丰皇帝赐名蔚秀园。清室覆亡前,蔚秀园被赐予奕譞第五子载沣作为私产,1931 年由燕京大学购得。蔚秀园中曾经湖泊相连,将园区分为东、中、北三个相对独立的小岛,岛上建有院落、戏台、花园等。20世纪70年代bob登陆网站 曾在园中西部和北部建造了15幢楼房,作为教职工住宅使用,后又在园区南部修建了幼儿园。
蔚秀园原为圆明园附属园林之一,也曾经作为道光年间定郡王载铨的赐园,原名含芳园,又称定王园。咸丰八年(1858),含芳园被转赐醇亲王奕譞,并由咸丰皇帝赐名蔚秀园。清室覆亡前,蔚秀园被赐予奕譞第五子载沣作为私产,1931 年由燕京大学购得。蔚秀园中曾经湖泊相连,将园区分为东、中、北三个相对独立的小岛,岛上建有院落、戏台、花园等。20世纪70年代bob登陆网站 曾在园中西部和北部建造了15幢楼房,作为教职工住宅使用,后又在园区南部修建了幼儿园。
Distinguishing feature
There are still three small lakes in the Weixiu Garden. On the island of the lake there are bungalows and courtyards built by Prince Yixuan. There is a South Pavilion on the west bank of the lake, and a North Pavilion on the north side. Weixiu Garden also remains the“Zilin Jinyue” Stone Tablet and “Cloud Root” Stone.
There are still three small lakes in the Weixiu Garden. On the island of the lake there are bungalows and courtyards built by Prince Yixuan. There is a South Pavilion on the west bank of the lake, and a North Pavilion on the north side. Weixiu Garden also remains the“Zilin Jinyue” Stone Tablet and “Cloud Root” Stone.
Weixiu Garden was bought by Yenching University in 1931. There were many lakes and islands in this garden, yet only three lakes still remain with some courtyards and pavilions on the island. In the 1970s, PKU started to build houses for staff’s residence in the west and north of the garden and a kindergarten in the south.
Weixiu Garden was bought by Yenching University in 1931. There were many lakes and islands in this garden, yet only three lakes still remain with some courtyards and pavilions on the island. In the 1970s, PKU started to build houses for staff’s residence in the west and north of the garden and a kindergarten in the south.