植树碑 The Tree Planting Tablet
2019-04-08植树碑 The Tree Planting Tablet
Location: On the south bank of the Weiming Lake and the east side of the Five Ariticals of Tributes in Stone Sculpture
Category: Stone inscription
植树碑位于未名湖南岸,石雕五供东侧,碑高 0.77 米,宽 0.5米,厚0.19米,碑身刻有《植树铭》,共 52 个字,全部取自《诗经》,可谓别出心裁。
植树碑系燕京大学壬戌(1922)班同学于民国十一年(1922)10 月参加校园植树活动后所立。燕京大学于 1922 年开始兴建新校舍,1927 年基本落成。此碑立于 1922 年校园建设初期,由此我们可以想见当年燕大师生积极投身校园建设、亲手营造美丽燕园的动人场景。
植树碑系燕京大学壬戌(1922)班同学于民国十一年(1922)10 月参加校园植树活动后所立。燕京大学于 1922 年开始兴建新校舍,1927 年基本落成。此碑立于 1922 年校园建设初期,由此我们可以想见当年燕大师生积极投身校园建设、亲手营造美丽燕园的动人场景。
Distinguishing feature
On the south bank of the Weiming Lake is the Tree Planting Tablet, with 0.77 meter in height, 0.5 meter in width and 0.19 meter in thickness. There is a tree planting inscription on the body, all meticulously taken from the Book of Songs.
On the south bank of the Weiming Lake is the Tree Planting Tablet, with 0.77 meter in height, 0.5 meter in width and 0.19 meter in thickness. There is a tree planting inscription on the body, all meticulously taken from the Book of Songs.
The Tree Planting Tablet was erected by the alumni of the Renxu (1922) Class of Yenching University in October 1922 after the tree planting event.
The Tree Planting Tablet was erected by the alumni of the Renxu (1922) Class of Yenching University in October 1922 after the tree planting event.