Determination, energy, and adaptability to drive changes despite obstacles, and inspire others to help make changes happen.
Have a track record of leadership potential and social responsibility, or the ability to make an impact in their field/community;
Exhibit strong moral character, a clear sense of mission, and global vision;
Demonstrate a strong interest in the interdisciplinary study of China and be willing to contribute to addressing global challenges and promoting cross-cultural communication;
Students should be in the top 20% of class at their home university or have otherwise exhibited exceptional promise in other areas;
Only students currently enrolled at one of the program’s partner schools are eligible to apply.
Applications from Partners Institutions
Students of partner institutions should apply and submit application materials to home universities.
1st-round interview: partner institutions will carry out a preliminary evaluation of application materials and conduct a 1st-round interview for qualifying candidates.
Nomination: based on their initial assessments, partner institutions will nominate the most competitive candidates to PKU.
2nd-round interview: PKU will invite candidates nominated by partner institutions to attend a second-round interview for final evaluation.
Please download Admissions Brochure for more information
In recognition of admitted students' outstanding talent and leadership potential, the Guanghua School of Management will be offering full merit-based scholarships to all students selected for participation in the international undergraduate program covering their costs at Peking University, including:
Tuition fees
Living stipend
Off-site field visit costs