"Bridging the Gap" is a new podcast series initiated by Philip Fischer and Mats Hinrichsen, two undergraduates from the "Future Leaders" International Undergraduate Program of PKU Guanghua.
"Feeling the stone as you cross the river."
Listen to the latest episode of the podcast “Bridging the Gap-a series on China” to understand the business culture and consumer trends in China.
Mats Hinrichsen and Philip Fischer had the pleasure to host Aldo Spaanjaars.
Aldo Spaanjaars, the former CEO of Lacoste in China and the author of the book “Dragon Tactics", shares valuable insights about retail company turnarounds. He demonstrates how the notion of hierarchy is different in China and how unique company structures ensure agility in a culture of powerdistance.
His golden advice of "feeling the stone as you cross the river" is especially valuable for Mats, Philip as well as their peers in the “Future Leaders” program as they are about to graduate.
At PKU Guanghua, students learn a lot about China's culture, business environment, and changing geopolitical role. To supplement their studies with a real-world perspective, Philip and Mats started this Podcast and invited their classmates to join their attempt to uncover how senior leaders successfully bridge the cultural gap between China and the West. In the process, listeners will be able to take home some insights into the speaker's respective industry and valuable lessons on how to succeed in the international sphere.
Listen on anchor FM: https://anchor.fm/bridging-the-gap-china/episodes/Aldo-Spaanjaars-e23ue96
Mats Hinrichsen 韩马孜
Student from Germany, currently studying at the “Future Leaders” Program and pursuing a double degree between PKU Guanghua and the University of Mannheim
Philip Fischer 高非
Student from the Netherlands, currently studying at the “Future Leaders” Program and pursuing a double degree between PKU Guanghua and the Erasmus University
PKU Guanghua "Future Leaders" Program
The Guanghua School of Management founded the "Future Leaders" International Undergraduate Double-Degree Program in partnership with 15 of the world’s best business schools, giving students the opportunity to gain an understanding of their local markets while also immersing them in one of the fastest-growing and most dynamic economies in the world: China. This program focuses on admitting top students with outstanding leadership potential from Peking University and its partner institutions. After completing their first two years of study at the institution in their home country, students live and study together with classmates of diverse backgrounds from all over the world—including students from China—for two more years as a single cohort at Peking University.