理学部 > 建筑与景观设计学院 [1088]

College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture

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(Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1088
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2024The Influencing Thresholds and Interactive Effects of Urban Green Spaces on Housing Prices: A Case Study of Beijing, ChinaCheng, Kexin; Zhan, Angshuo; Luo, Haoyuan; Ma, Yujing; Wang, Zhifang
6-Dec-2024时空的压缩与延展——后工业景观中的废墟图景与历时表达魏方; 班馨月; 昝鹏
10-Dec-2024民俗仪式缓解乡村空心化的作用机制:福建漳州芹坂村的案例研究苏婉仪; 汪芳; 黄羽滋; 薛鹏程
19-Nov-2024中国流域人类活动空间协同与高水平治理的理论思考与实践发展罗静; 夏军; 郝芳华; 汪芳; 赵雪雁; 王成; 陈诚; 柯新利; 许继军; 路旭
7-Sep-2024城市季节性地表温度模式及其驱动因素分析——以重庆市为例孙玉成; 胡纯广; 张睿琪; 谢宇薇; 李卓起
7-Sep-2024基于多源数据的网红打卡地与房价关联性及布局优化研究——以武汉市为例李卓起; 孙玉成; 尹竣丰; 吴朋睿; 朱宇轩; 杨耀宁
7-Sep-2024基于整体集成的鸟类友好城市公园研究李卓起; 朱宇轩; 罗紫娟; 张快; 王志芳
7-Sep-2024多尺度生态系统服务时空演变特征及优化策略——以长江中游城市群为例孙玉成; 李卓起; 胡纯广
7-Sep-2024基于老年人认知特征的“双老化”社区空间微更新——以北京市中关园为例李紫扬; 程倩瑜; 于海; 毛少羿
1-Dec-2024Tracking the impact of the land cover change on the spatial-temporal distribution of the thermal comfort: Insights from the Qinhuai River Basin, ChinaHu, Chunguang; Zhang, Maomao; Huang, Gaoliu; Li, Zhuoqi; Sun, Yucheng; Zhao, Jianqing
Nov-2024The relationships between 2D and 3D green index altered by spatial attributes at high spatial resolutionBai, Zhuhui; Wang, Zhifang; Li, Dan; Wang, Xiaomeng; Jian, Yuqing
7-Nov-2024归属感视角下安置区微观空间异用特征及优化策略伯婷; 刘珅; 田金灵; 张小平; 李丽晶; 马文秀; 杨永琪
1-Oct-2024内外携手、师生共创:以参与式营建助力乡村校园建设李迪华; 虞梦莹; 石昕英; 魏友
5-May-2024从流域视角探讨文化遗产保护汪芳; 李卓起; 董颖; 王乐业
1-Sep-2024建成无障碍校园:新时代学校建设的立法要求与达成路径李迪华; 王嘉宁
27-Aug-2024Adaptation of Chinese traditional villages from the perspective of locality preservationXue, Pengcheng; Zhang, Jiayin; Wang, Fang; Wang, Leye
20-Aug-2024The urban aesthetics of graffiti murals: reproducing wall space in China's urban renewalZhang, Jiayin; Deng, Huilin; Lin, Mingliang; Wang, Min
Sep-2024Ecological security patterns of Chinese lakes based on ecosystem service values assessment and human threat factors evaluationFang, Jin; Xu, Liyan; Lu, Qing
(Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1088