跨学科类 > 燕京学堂 [70]

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(Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 70
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
29-Nov-2024乡村教育何以助力乡村振兴?——基于潘光旦乡土教育思想与乡村振兴战略的对话蒋贵友; 吴婴琦
14-Jun-2024技术、权力与控制:“技术-组织”互构视角下的数字化转型与工作关系变迁卢燕璇; 张文杰; 杨依云; 刘爱玉
2024On the Incompatibility of Pragmatist Philosophy and Scientistic Philosophy Methodological and Metaphilosophical IssuesSilva, Nicolas; Ames, Roger T.
26-Apr-2024What Chinese Internet Users "Like" to Read: Selective Exposure in a Restricted Information EnvironmentWang, Clara; Westwood, Sean J.
10-Apr-2024当代美国东亚史研究的主题、特征与反思——以费正清奖为中心(下)李松; 张小月
11-Dec-2023Sex Education in China: Actors and dynamics of China's policies and practicesQin, Qian; Zhang, Jiali
10-Feb-2024当代美国东亚史研究的主题、特征与反思:以费正清奖为中心(上)李松; 张小月
2023Education and EdTech during COVID-19: Evidence from a Large-Scale Survey during School Closures in China (vol 67, pg 53, 2023)Li, Guirong; Liu, Delei; Zhang, Xinwu; Ma, Yue; Abbey, Cody; Fairlie, Robert
1-Feb-2023Education and EdTech during COVID-19: Evidence from a Large-Scale Survey during School Closures in ChinaLi, Guirong; Zhang, Xinwu; Liu, Delei; Xue, Hao; Hu, Derek; Lee, Oliver; Rilling, Chris; Ma, Yue; Abbey, Cody; Fairlie, Robert; Loyalka, Prashant; Rozelle, Scott
31-May-2023国际组织领导人选举中的大国竞争逻辑研究——以美国参与2020年WIPO总干事选举为例毛维准; 邱奕暄
31-Jan-2023卫生领域如何“腾笼换鸟”?——行为公共管理视角下“三明医改”政策作用机制的实证检验傅承哲; 林婷; 王春晓; 黄伟俊
15-Oct-2023“暗中玩味她那迷人的姿色”:《红与黑》中的饮食、爱欲与权力肖明文; 杨新颖
16-Mar-2023Quantifying the Causal Effect of COVID-19 on the Significant Decline in American Online Attitude Toward ChinaHuang,Junming; Stankovikj,Bozhidar; Xie,Yu
1-Feb-2023Digital health interventions for non-communicable disease management in primary health care in low-and middle-income countriesXiong, Shangzhi; Lu, Hongsheng; Peoples, Nicholas; Duman, Ege K.; Najarro, Alberto; Ni, Zhao; Gong, Enying; Yin, Ruoyu; Ostbye, Truls; Palileo-Villanueva, Lia M.; Doma, Rinchen; Kafle, Sweta; Tian, Maoyi; Yan, Lijing L.
2-Dec-2022Cervical Cancer Screening Coverage - China, 2018-2019Zhang, Mei; Zhong, Yijing; Wang, Limin; Bao, Heling; Huang, Zhengjing; Zhao, Zhenping; Zhang, Xiao; Li, Chun; Sun, Kelly Liang; Wu, Jing; Zheng, Xiaoying; Wang, Linhong
4-Jan-2023Consumers' experiences and preferences for plant-based meat food:Evidence from a choice experiment in four cities of ChinaWANG Ge; Madison T PLASTER; BAI Yun-li; LIU Cheng-fang
17-Nov-2022中国独生子女群体对父母养老偏好特征及其政策性探究陆杰华; 冯慧迪
15-Oct-2022中国主流融媒体对法语地区的文化传播策略研究——以CGTN Fran?ais为例邱喆倩
1-Aug-2022寄宿如何影响学生的心理健康?杨钋; 颜芷邑
(Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 70