研究院/所/中心/实验室 > 核磁共振中心 [72]

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(Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 72
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024A strategy for producing isotopically labeled peptides with antimicrobial activity or with short in vivo lifetime in <i>Escherichia coli</i>Ren, Qiongqiong; Fan, Zejun; Han, Rong; Sang, Meihui; Ma, Changxing; Zhao, Xiaoli; Wang, Shenlin
Aug-2023Advances in the Structure of GGGGCC Repeat RNA Sequence and Its Interaction with Small Molecules and Protein PartnersLiu, Xiaole; Zhao, Xinyue; He, Jinhan; Wang, Sishi; Shen, Xinfei; Liu, Qingfeng; Wang, Shenlin
Dec-2022Synthesis of Finite Molecular Nanotubes by Connecting Axially Functionalized MacrocyclesMao, Liang-Liang; Xiao, Hongyan; Zhao, Jin-Qin; Diao, Zhuo; Zhou, Wen; Li, Hongwei; Tung, Chen-Ho; Wu, Li-Zhu; Cong, Huan
9-Jul-2021非结晶方法制备适用于固体核磁共振研究的RNA样品赵莎; 温子扬; 杨玉飞; 赵玉洁; 黎欣明; 薛毅; 王申林
9-Jul-2021植物中抗病蛋白PSI诱导细胞膜融合的机理研究赵晓丽; 王申林
9-Jul-2021人类端粒G-四链体与TMPyP4相互作用的研究邹梦冰; 王申林
9-Jul-2021全细胞固体核磁快速检测新方法研究抗菌肽LAH4的机理汉蓉; 王申林
9-Jul-2021RNA结构分析的固体核磁共振研究新方法赵莎; 杨玉飞; 温子扬; 赵玉洁; 王申林
9-Jul-2021植物固有无序VQ蛋白调控WRKY转录因子机制的NMR研究于璐璐; 李倩雯; 王建南; 林雅玲; 刘买利; 金长文; 胡蕴菲
8-Apr-2021Characterization of Base-pairing of RNA in RNA Gels Formed by Nucleotide Repeat Expansion by Proton-detected Solid-state NMRSha Zhao; Ziyang Wen; Mengbing Zou; Shenlin Wang
16-Oct-2020非结晶方法制备适用于固体核磁共振研究的RNA样品赵莎; 温子扬; 杨玉飞; 赵玉洁; 黎欣明; 薛毅; 王申林
16-Oct-2020植物中抗病蛋白PSI诱导细胞膜融合的机理研究赵晓丽; 王申林
16-Oct-2020人类端粒G-四链体与TMPyP4相互作用的研究邹梦冰; 王申林
16-Oct-2020全细胞固体核磁快速检测新方法研究抗菌肽LAH4的机理汉蓉; 王申林
16-Oct-2020RNA结构分析的固体核磁共振研究新方法赵莎; 杨玉飞; 温子扬; 赵玉洁; 王申林
16-Oct-2020植物固有无序VQ蛋白调控WRKY转录因子机制的NMR研究于璐璐; 李倩雯; 王建南; 林雅玲; 刘买利; 金长文; 胡蕴菲
23-Oct-2020Insights into the mechanism of membrane fusion induced by the plant defense element, plant-specific insertZhao, Xiaoli; Tian, Jenny (Jingxin); Yu, Hua; Bryksa, Brian C.; Dupuis, John H.; Ou, Xiuyuan; Qian, Zhaohui; Song, Chen; Wang, Shenlin; Yada, Rickey Y.
25-Aug-2020The role of disulfide bonds in a Solanum tuberosums aposin-like protein investigated using molecular dynamicsDupuis, John H.; Wang, Shenlin; Song, Chen; Yada, Rickey Y.
23-Jun-2020NMR Spectroscopic Studies Reveal the Critical Role of the Isopeptide Bond in Forming the Otherwise Unstable SpyTag-SpyCatcher Mutant ComplexesZhang, Nan; Liu, Jing; Liu, Yajie; Wu, Wenhao; Fang, Jing; Da, Xiao-Di; Wang, Shenlin; Zhang, Wen-Bin
2020EEG microstates are correlated with brain functional networks during slow-wave sleepXu,Jing; Pan,Yu; Zhou,Shuqin; Zou,Guangyuan; Liu,Jiayi; Su,Zihui; Zou,Qihong; Gao,Jia-Hong
(Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 72