医学部 > 护理学院 [3328]

School of Nursing

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(Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 3328
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2-Jan-2025Uncovering mechanisms of subjective support focused cognitive behavioral therapy in improving subjective support among (pre)frail community-dwelling older adults: a randomized controlled trialWang, Cuili; Si, Huaxin; Bian, Yanhui; Qiao, Xiaoxia; Ji, Lili; Liu, Qinqin; Wang, Wenyu; Yu, Jiaqi; Li, Yanyan; Zhou, Wendie; Yue, Weihua; Liu, Jiajia; Jin, Yaru
18-Dec-2024The application of ChatGPT in nursing: a bibliometric and visualized analysisWang, Peng; Zhang, Qian; Zhang, Wenyu; Sun, Jing
30-Dec-2024Impacts of Depressive Symptoms on the Effectiveness of a Theory-Driven Exercise Intervention Among Community-Dwelling (Pre)frail Older AdultsZhou, Wendie; Qiao, Xiaoxia; Jin, Yaru; Si, Huaxin; Bian, Yanhui; Liu, Qinqin; Li, Yanyan; Yu, Jiaqi; Wang, Cuili
30-Dec-2024The influencing of obesity on lung ventilation function among middle-aged and elderly peopleWang, Cui; Wang, Yimin; Zeng, Wen; Shang, Shaomei
Feb-2025Research Trends and Hotspots on Family Caregivers of Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder From 2002 to 2022: A Bibliometric AnalysisLan, Kunyi; Jia, Xinlei; Gao, Shumin; Feng, Zhendong; Jia, Meixiang; Yue, Weihua; Wei, Ya Bin; Liu, Jia Jia
24-Dec-2024Excessive daytime sleepiness, omics biomarkers, and impaired glucose metabolism in OSA: what is objective evidence telling usXu, Liyue; Li, Shuying; Han, Fang
23-Dec-2024Perception of recurrence risk in patients with IgG4-related disease: a descriptive phenomenological studyYu, Kai; Gao, Hui; Liu, Shibo; Yao, Haihong; Wang, Xiaoqing; Luo, Chenghua; Guo, Qian; Shi, Yuexian
16-Dec-2024Risk factors and prediction model of breast cancer-related lymphoedema in a Chinese cancer centre: a prospective cohort study protocolShen, Aomei; Ye, Jingming; Zhao, Hongmei; Qiang, Wanmin; Zhao, Hongmeng; Huang, Yubei; Zhou, Yujie; Wang, Yue; Li, Xin; Zhang, Zhongning; Bian, Jingru; Zhang, Liyuan; Wu, Peipei; Wang, Ying; Lu, Qian
Jan-2025Persistent Food Insecurity Among Older Adult Cancer Survivors A National CohortZhou, Weijiao; Pu, Junlan; Zeng, Wen; Cho, Youmin; Shang, Shaomei
30-Sep-2024中国4城市乳母膳食摄入与纯母乳喂养婴儿身长别体重的关系研究梁栋; 蒋泽宇; 李宁; 张玉梅; 江华; 丁钢强
10-Dec-2024糖尿病视网膜病变可变风险因素证据图谱构建石舒原; 周庆欣; 孙宏玉; 詹思延; 孙凤; 张淑燕
12-Dec-2024慢性血栓栓塞性肺动脉高压患者行肺动脉球囊扩张术后生活质量的变化研究李信欣; 孙爱华
25-Jan-2021ICF康复组合功能评定工具在老年失能评估中的效度研究刘守国; 金娟; 张霞; 严娟; 叶梦秋; 赵元萍; 谢红; 励建安
15-Nov-2024护理本科生情境模拟学习前准备的影响因素研究胡倩; 张志焕; 石宜安; 徐蔚然; 韩凤萍; 庞冬; 金三丽; 路潜
20-Jul-2024咖啡因对耐力运动作用的定性循证研究周淑益; 林咏惟; 申贵元; 曲畅; 宋咏烨; 方宇杰; 张曼
26-Apr-2024咖啡因对精力、注意力作用的定性循证研究曲畅; 林咏惟; 周淑益; 申贵元; 宋咏烨; 方宇杰; 张娜; 张曼
1-Mar-2021运动医学专业继续教育体系初步实施效果分析杨渝平; 黎敏; 李青松; 穆晨阳; 刘振龙; 崔国庆; 敖英芳
18-Dec-2024Frailty transitions and associated factors in older cancer survivors in the USA: using a multi-state modelingZhou, Weijiao; Cho, Youmin; Shang, Shaomei; Li, Yuelin; Seo, Jisu; Pu, Junlan; Song, Rhayun
Nov-2024The Effects of Two Kinds of Gargles on Oral Mucositis in Patients After Allogeneic Stem Cell TransplantationHu, Wei; Jiang, Hua; Wang, Ting; Guo, Xiu-Juan; Zhang, Bei-Bei; Song, Yan; Shi, Ce; Xu, Xiao-Dong; Wang, Lin-Nan; He, Xin-Xin; Liu, Bo-ning; Zhou, Jun-xiu; Xue, Ze-yu
2024Dupilumab in Combination With JAK Inhibitor for Refractory Moderate-to-Severe Atopic DermatitisSong, Xiaoting; Liu, Bo; Peng, Chengyue; Tan, Yen; Zhao, Zuotao
(Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 3328