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Shougang Hospital

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(Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 3180
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
25-Nov-2024单侧双通道内镜下椎板切除术治疗脊髓型颈椎病的早期疗效观察吕鹏飞; 汪文龙; 张硕; 白海滨; 吴四军; 刘正
16-Dec-2024超声弹性成像联合常规超声诊断甲状腺微小乳头状癌的临床价值李猛; 刘津灵; 陈新; 李伟; 卢玉菡; 牛黎云; 魏茹冰
15-Dec-2024双平面X线辅助全髋关节置换术前三维规划技术流程专家共识(2024年版)王娟; 李慧武; 杨佩; 曹力; 陈云苏; 冯尔宥; 关振鹏; 黄伟; 雷鹏飞; 李春宝; 李凭跃; 李晓明; 饶志涛; 田华; 童培健; 王飞; 王广积; 王燎; 王伟; 夏亚一; 许鹏; 姚琦; 于腾波; 张国强; 周宗科; 王坤正; 蔡宗远; 侯志勇
26-Dec-2024Prognostic implications of increased and final quantitative flow ratios in patients treated with drug-coated balloons physiological evaluation after DCB in de novo lesionsLin, Li; Ding, Yaodong; Tang, Yida; Wang, Guisong; Fu, Guosheng; Wang, Lefeng; Chen, Lianglong; Liu, Xi; Liu, Bin; Chen, Hui; Liu, Gang; Tang, Qiang; Zeng, Yong
9-Dec-2024Outcomes of retroperitoneal fibrosis-related hydronephrosis and its risk factors for poor prognosis: a multi-center retrospective cohort study in Chinese patientsLiu, Hongyan; Gao, Hui; Zhao, Jin-xia; Wong, Ut-kei; Liu, Shi-bo; Liu, Jian; Zhang, Ge; Wang, Kuan-ting; Wang, Yan; Zhao, Lin; Ma, Xiang-bo; Lu, Yue-wu; Zhang, Xue-wu
15-Apr-2021基于磁共振图像的全息影像及术中导航技术在机器人根治性前列腺切除术中的应用朱刚; 张凯; 汪磊; 陆菁菁; 李鸿波; 赵子臣; 那彦群
28-Dec-2021Ⅲ、Ⅳ级胰腺钝性损伤微创治疗的探讨冯健; 刘志伟; 蔡守旺; 辛先磊; 陈继业; 王鹏飞; 任为正; 何蕾; 马焕先
8-Dec-2024Association of <i>APOE</i> genotype with CT markers of cerebral amyloid angiopathy in spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhageYang, Qiong; Zeng, Xiangzhu; Tang, Lu; Liu, Xiaolu; Xia, Kailin; Gao, Feng; Huang, Xu; Li, Nan; Fan, Dongsheng
Nov-2024Efficacy and safety of plecanatide in Chinese patients with functional constipation: A phase III randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, multicenter trialBai, Tao; Xu, Zhiyue; Jiang, Yueping; Zhao, Hong; Yan, Peng; Dai, Ning; Chen, Xi; Huang, Kunming; Cui, Jun; Xu, Min; Jia, Shujuan; Zhang, Juan; Liu, Side; Li, Xiaoqing; Ai, Yaowei; Zhang, Mingxin; Wu, Yongdong; Zhou, Weizhen; Zhao, Rong; Wu, Jianjun; Wang, Bangmao; Xu, Baohong; Ding, Xiangwu; Fang, Xiangming; Yang, Shaoqi; Ma, Yingcai; Zhou, Zhongyin; Lin, Lin; Chen, Huixin; Zhang, Heng; Zhu, Yin; Jiang, Bo; Zhang, Xiaolan; Wang, Xiaoyan; Zou, Duowu; Ye, Bin; Zhang, Ling; Shi, Ruihua; Zhen, Yanbo; Wang, Junping; Liu, Youli; Liao, Aijun; Hou, Xiaohua
16-Dec-2024利妥昔单抗联合醋酸泼尼松、硫酸羟氯喹片治疗系统性红斑狼疮的效果分析张彦霞; 丁艳; 王丽芳; 马豆豆
28-Oct-2024射频消融术后出现急性心包炎合并Brugada拟表型一例卢彦娜; 唐群中; 唐强
19-Nov-2024多重逆转录交叉置换扩增结合测流生物传感器技术检测H5N1型禽流感病毒王鹏飞; 赵帆; 闫琳琳; 王静; 杨瑞锋; 胡守奎
8-Oct-2022原核表达系统合成具有功能的T细胞免疫球蛋白及黏蛋白结构域蛋白-1-Fc融合蛋白可行性的研究李强; 李尧; 宋京海
2024Predicting immunotherapy-related adverse events in late-stage non-small cell lung cancer with KARS G12C mutation treated with PD-1 inhibitors through combined assessment of LCP1 and ADPGK expression levelsChen, Lei; Xu, Cong; Ren, Weihao; Yu, Lei; Tang, Tian
10-Dec-2024不剃发长发FUE技术在毛发移植中的应用乔先明; 尤丽娜; 乔雅婷; 蒋学; 林海涛
1-Nov-2024小剂量利妥昔单抗成功治疗类风湿关节炎合并重症肌无力1例马豆豆; 卢哲敏; 郭倩; 朱莎; 古今; 丁艳; 石连杰
24-Oct-2024有肾脏意义单克隆免疫球蛋白血症继发lgA血管炎并导致小肠坏死1例丁艳; 李超然; 黄文生; 朱林忠; 王丽芳; 马豆豆; 张娟; 石连杰
(Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 3180