研究院/所/中心/实验室 > 教育财政科学研究所 [508]

China Institute for Educational Finance Research

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(Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 508
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
25-Dec-2024中美芯片设备行业的科技竞争演变张闫龙; 闵亦杰; 侯万方; 史大譞
27-Dec-2024学科类培训机构缩减对学生在校时长的影响:基于“双减”政策的评估研究陆伟; 魏易
15-Aug-2024研究生就学费用与资助调查报告魏建国; 周森; 朱琼
18-Jun-2024风险投资对企业突破性创新的影响研究——来自中国上市公司的证据王龙; 张腾; 林文敏
23-May-2024Socioeconomic inequalities in access to online learning and its association with early childhood development during the COVID-19 pandemic in Yunnan Province, ChinaXu, Rongrong; Song, Yingquan; Lu, Chunling
5-May-2024Household Expenditure on Education in China: Key Findings From the China Institute for Educational Finance Research-Household Surveys (CIEFR-HS)Wei, Yi
25-Apr-2024The impact of Fintech on corporate carbon emissions: Towards green and sustainable developmentWang, Chang'an; Wang, Long; Zhao, Shikuan; Yang, Cunyi; Albitar, Khaldoon
22-Mar-2024Structural tax reform and local government non-tax revenues - evidence from rural tax reform of ChinaWang, Long; Liu, Xiaoqian; Liu, Ruiwen; Pan, Junyu
19-Dec-2023“十三五”期间全国义务教育财政保障与公平分析季楚煊; 黄珍; 魏易
19-Dec-2023地方普通本科高校经费投入状况分析周娟; 毕建宏
19-Dec-2023学前教育幼儿资助的现状、问题与政策建议——基于全国七省抽样调查数据梁净; 宋映泉
19-Dec-2023学前教育财政保障与公平报告梁净; 张眉; 张晓
19-Dec-2023学前教育家庭支出负担与幼儿资助的实证研究——“幼有所育:托育及学前事业发展与财政投入”专题研讨会综述之二梁净; 宋映泉
(Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 508