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Announcing the ALMA Proposal Workshop

Mon, 2025-03-03  

Catching a runaway star ejected from a globular cluster by an intermediate-mass black hole

Thu, 2025-02-20  Recently, researchers from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Astronomical Observatories, Yunnan Observatories, Peking University, Beijing NormalUniversityproposed that searching for high-velocity stars ejected from globular clusters due t

Researchers find dark matter dominating in early universe galaxies

Fri, 2025-02-07  An international team of researchers led by PKU PhD student Qinyue Fei has found dark matter dominating the halos of two supermassive black holes in galaxies roughly 13 billion light years away, reports a new study published in The Astrophysical Journal on 5 F

Historic Palomar Observatory upgraded with a state-of-the-art spectrograph

Wed, 2025-01-08  On November 8, 2024, astronomers at Caltech's Palomar Observatory directed a brand-new spectrograph instrument, the Next Generation Palomar Spectrograph (NGPS), to capture data from a newfound supernova. The resulting spectrum from the erupting star was a deli

KIAA Postdoc Wins PKU Outstanding Postdoc Award

Fri, 2024-12-27  This award recognizes PKU postdoctoral scholars whose research has significant scientific and academic value or demonstrates outstanding economic or social benefits.

The scientific legacy of Prof. Wu Yuefang

Tue, 2024-12-17  Prof. Wu Yuefang, an emeritus faculty of PKU astronomy, passed away peacefully on December 13 after a long illness. During her career, Prof. Wu made significant contributions to our understanding of star formation through her own research and through her stud

Measuring the Spin of the Galactic Center Supermassive Black Hole with Two Pulsars

Sun, 2024-12-08  The spinning of Sagittarius A* is vital to characterize the supermassive black hole and it is crucial in testing the “cosmic censorship conjecture” and “no hair theorem” of black hole spacetime in Einstein's general relativity. Previous studies have shown

KIAA-PKU Hosts the “2024 KIAA Postdoc Forum”

Fri, 2024-12-06  The Forum brought together more than 40 postdoctoral researchers from different institutions in China, providing them with the opportunity to present their work and engage in discussions and plan future collaboration.

The Sizzling Accretion Disk of the Young Star FU Orionis

Thu, 2024-11-28  In 1936, astronomers saw a puzzling event in the constellation Orion: the young star FU Orionis (FU Ori) became hundreds of times brighter in a matter of months. At its peak, FU Ori was intrinsically more than 100 times brighter than our Sun. However, unlike a

Massive Stars Born from Violent Cosmic Collapse

Mon, 2024-11-18  Astronomers using the U.S. National Science Foundation Green Bank Telescope reveal new process of star formation, challenging existing models.