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Indulge in the most beautiful autumn in PKU
Nov 07, 2024

Peking University, November 7, 2024: Amidst the dense vegetation, the warmest scenes shed the lingering summer heat and settle into the brief and sparse autumn.

Look at the dancing falling leaves when you are listening to the sound of persimmons dropping, bugs chirping and cats purring.

In this colorful world, countless natural sights can be beheld.

At Peking University, the golden leaves and red buildings create a motion poem of autumn.

The ripples move a little bit as the sky and reflected in the Weiming lake.

Where elegance and depth are mixed and flow, the gentle autumn light has shed all over PKU and covered every bit marked by time. 

Written by: Leow Kai Lim
Edited by: Aden Tan
Source: PKU Wechat (Chinese)