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Peking University co-hosts Sino-French conference in Paris
Jun 24, 2024
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Peking University, June 23, 2024: The Sino-French Conference on Fundamental Sciences, Knowledge Innovation, and Talent Development was held at the Paris campus of ESCP Business School on June 20, 2024 (local time).

The event, co-sponsored by Peking University (PKU) and ESCP Business School, gathered over one hundred professionals from the education, academia, and business sectors of China and France to foster cooperation in research and education. 

Key attendees included Huai Jinpeng, Minister of Education of the People’s Republic of China, Chen Jie, Vice Minister of Education of the People’s Republic of China, Gérard Mourou, 2018 Nobel Laureate in Physics, Gong Qihuang, President of Peking University, and Léon Laulusa, President of ESCP Business School.

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Huai Jinpeng delivers a speech at the conference

In his address, Huai Jinpeng emphasized both countries' long-standing traditions of valuing education and respecting teachers. He highlighted China’s recent efforts to support basic research and talent development, as well as problem-driven research in various disciplines and knowledge innovation. The minister emphasized the importance of international cooperation and exchange in education, particularly China–France collaboration, and the importance of fostering knowledge innovation and talent development in order to address future global challenges.

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Gong Qihuang delivers a speech at the conference

The event was opened by Gong Qihuang, who highlighted the importance of focusing on basic science and talent development in a time of rapid change. He reviewed the achievements of cooperation in education, science, technology, and humanities between Peking University and French universities. Gong expressed hopes for deepening understanding and friendship between the youth of both nations through educational programs, innovation, and cultural exchanges, contributing to global peace and development.
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Gérard Mourou delivers a speech at the conference

In his speech, Gérard Mourou shared his experiences as a researcher in physics, particularly working with Chinese students and researchers. He expressed his hope to continue promoting international cooperation in education between France and China and to remain a facilitator of Sino-French exchange and collaboration.
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The keynote speech session

The keynote speech, titled "Sino-French Strategic Cooperation in Fundamental Sciences: Leading Global Knowledge Innovation and Cultivating Excellent Talents," featured prominent representatives from both Chinese and French universities. Each side spoke on the theme, sharing their experiences and insights on fostering international cooperation and innovation.
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The signing ceremony of the MoU. 

During the event, representatives from Chinese and French universities signed cooperation agreements, including a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Peking University and ESCP Business School. The MoU was signed by Qin Xuezheng (right), Deputy Dean of the School of Economics at Peking University, and Francesco Rattalino, Executive Vice-Chancellor of ESCP Business School.
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The roundtable session

The roundtable session, titled “Sino-French Education and Industry Integration: Building a Global Innovation Ecosystem and a Blueprint for Future Talents,” was moderated by Francesco Rattalino of ESCP Business School. Participants included Sandrine Lévic-Forte, Director of the French National Centre for Scientific Research, and Wang Hua, Vice-Chancellor of Emlyon Business School, alongside other distinguished guests.

The conference highlighted strategic cooperation in fundamental sciences and called for deeper Sino-French collaboration in education, research, and industry to address global challenges and promote societal progress.

Highlights from collaborations between Peking University and French Institutions

The year 2024 marks the 60th anniversary of China-France diplomatic ties. Over the past six decades, Peking University has witnessed enduring Sino-French educational cooperation and communication.

Fruitful Exchanges

Peking University has a long-standing and close relationship with French institutions, fostering significant bilateral friendships through mutual communication.
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Gérard Mourou delivers speeches at Peking University in 2018 (above) and in 2024

This spring, Professor Gérard Albert Mourou, the 2018 Laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics, visited Peking University, where he was awarded an honorary doctorate and was appointed as Chair Professor. During his stay, Mourou paid a visit to the Beijing Laser Acceleration Innovation Center, laying a strong foundation for collaborations with Peking University’s research teams.

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Jean-Pierre Raffarin addresses students and professors at Yenching Academy

In 2023, the former Prime Minister of France Jean-Pierre Raffarin was appointed Shuhsi Hsü Chair Professor of Yenching Academy. Upon the appointment, Raffarin delivers lectures on "Leadership and Global Governance" at Peking University, enhancing global connectivity and engaging young people in discussions about their visions for the world’s future.
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Clockwise from top left: Prof. Gu Jin (center) becomes a member of the National Academy of Medicine of France; Prof. Dong Qiang is awarded the Knight of the Legion d’Honneur of France; Academician Piao Shilong at the Fête de la Science 2022; Prof. Duan Yinghong is awarded the Ordre des Palmes Académiques.

Numerous scholars from Peking University have also made significant contributions to Sino-French friendly exchanges.

Professor Meng Hua from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature was awarded all three classes of the L’Ordre des Palmes Académiques, a national order bestowed by the French Republic on distinguished academics and teachers for valuable service to universities, education, and science, for his contributions to Sino-French communication.

Professor Dong Qiang, dean of Yenching Academy at Peking University, received the prestigious La Grande Médaille de la Francophonie in 2013 and the Knight of the Legion d’Honneur of France in 2015. He has visited France on many occasions to facilitate Sino-French academic exchanges.

In 2015, Professor Gu Jin from Peking University Cancer Hospital was selected as a foreign member of the National Academy of Medicine of France. In 2022, Professor Duan Yinghong at the Department of French was awarded the Ordre des Palmes Académiques (Order of Academic Palms). Academician Piao Shilong, Vice President of Peking University and Director of the Institute of Carbon Neutrality, was named the Chinese ambassador of the Fête de la Science (French Science Festival) 2022.

Starting with academic research, the Sino-French story continues to be extended by scholars from various fields at Peking University.

Robust Ties

Over the years, Peking University’s close collaborations with French institutions have opened up more global pathways for students and teachers to gain overseas experiences.

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Peking University signs a cooperation agreement with Paris Sciences & Lettres-PSL University 

To date, over 30 collaboration agreements have been signed with more than 20 French universities and research institutions. Key partners include world-renowned institutions such as Institut Polytechnique de Paris (École Polytechnique), Paris Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po), Paris Institute of Technology (ParisTech), École Normale Supérieure, Toulouse School of Economics, French Institute for Climate Change and Environmental Research, and École Pratique des Hautes Études. This commitment fosters international collaboration by facilitating the exchange of academic, scientific, and technical educational resources.

Joint research and academic programs continue to promote educational collaborations in fields of mutual interest. The primary collaborative projects include the International Relations dual master’s program, the Global Public Policy Advanced Training Program, the "3+3+1" joint training program, the Laser-Driven Multi-Beam Facility project, the Sino-French Earth System Research Center cooperation project, and the "9+9 China Engineer Program." These collaborations encompass joint training, student and teacher exchanges, faculty visits, and postdoctoral assignments to conduct cutting-edge research.

Such multi-level and multi-disciplinary academic cooperation strengthens the partnership between both sides. By hosting the Sino-French Conference on Fundamental Sciences, Knowledge Innovation, and Talent Development on the banks of the Seine on June 20, 2024, Peking University has made the mutual collaboration more enduring and steadfast, injecting fresh momentum into cultural dialogues and academic exchanges between the two nations. 

Written by: Aden Tan, Zhang Yiyi
Edited by: Dennis Meng
Source: Ministry of Education; Peking University Office of International Relations
