10001 bob登陆网站 研究生院 Graduate School of Peking University
10002 中国人民大学研究生院 Graduate School of Renmin University
10003 清华大学研究生院 Graduate School of Tsinghua University
10004 北京交通大学研究生院 Graduate School of Beijing Jiaotong University
10005 北京工业大学研究生院 Graduate school of Beijing University of Technology
10006 北京航空航天大学研究生院 Graduate School of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
10007 北京理工大学研究生院 Graduate School of Beijing Insitute of Techology
10008 北京科技大学研究生院 Graduate School of University of Science and Technology Beijing
10010 北京化工大学研究生院 Graduate School of Beijing University of Chemical Technology
10013 北京邮电大学研究生院 Graduate School of Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications
10019 中国农业大学研究生院 Graduate School of China Agricultural University
10022 北京林业大学研究生院 Graduate School of Forest University
10023 北京协和医学院研究生院 Graduate School of Peking Union Medical College
10026 北京中医药大学研究生院 Graduate School of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine
10027 北京师范大学研究生院 Graduate School of Beijing Normal University
10028 首都师范大学研究生院 Graduate School of Capital Normal University
10030 北京外国语大学研究生院 Graduate School of Beijing Foreign Studies University
10033 中国传媒大学研究生院 Graduate School of Communication University of China
10034 中央财经大学研究生院 Graduate School of Central University of Finance and Economics
10036 对外经济贸易大学研究生院 Graduate School of University of International Business and Economics
10040 外交学院研究生院 Graduate School of China Foreign Affairs University
10041 中国人民公安大学研究生院 Graduate School of People's Public Security University of China
10043 北京体育大学研究生院 Graduate School of Beijing Sport University
10045 中央音乐学院研究生院 Graduate School of Central Conservatory of Music
10046 中国音乐学院研究生院 Graduate School of China Conservatory of Music
10047 中央美术学院研究生院 Graduate School of Central Academy of Fine Arts
10048 中央戏剧学院研究生院 Graduate School of The Central Academy of Drama
10052 中央民族大学研究生院 Graduate School of Minzu University of China
10053 中国政法大学研究生院 Graduate School of China University of Political Science and Law
10054 华北电力大学研究生院 Graduate School of North China Electric Power University
10055 南开大学研究生院 Graduate School of Nankai University
10056 天津大学研究生院 Graduate School of Tianjin University
10058 天津工业大学研究生院 Graduate School of Tiangong University
10062 天津医科大学研究生院 Graduate School of Tianjin Medical University
10063 天津中医药大学研究生院 Graduate School of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
10075 河北大学研究生院 Graduate School of Hebei University
10080 河北工业大学研究生院 Graduate School of Hebei University of Technology
10108 山西大学研究生院 Graduate School of Shanxi University
10112 太原理工大学研究生院 Graduate School of Taiyuan University of Technology
10126 内蒙古大学研究生院 Graduate School of Inner Mongolia University
11413 中国矿业大学(北京)研究生院 Graduate School of China University of Mining and Technology
11414 中国石油大学(北京)研究生院 Graduate School of China University of Petroleum
11415 中国地质大学(北京)研究生院 Graduate School of China University of Geosciences
14430 中国科学院大学研究生院 Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Science
10140 辽宁大学研究生院 Graduate School of Liaoning University
10141 大连理工大学研究生院 Graduate School of Dalian University of Technology
10145 东北大学研究生院 Graduate School of Northeastern University
10150 大连交通大学研究生院 Graduate School of Dalian Jiaotong University
10151 大连海事大学研究生院 Graduate School of Dalian Maritime University
10161 大连医科大学研究生院 Graduate School of Dalian Medical University
10183 吉林大学研究生院 Graduate School of Jilin University
10184 延边大学研究生院 Graduate School of Yanbian University
10200 东北师范大学研究生院 Graduate School of Northeast Normal University
10212 黑龙江大学研究生院 Graduate School of Heilongjiang University
10213 哈尔滨工业大学研究生院 Graduate School of Harbin Institute of Technology
10217 哈尔滨工程大学研究生院 Graduate School of Harbin Engineering University
10224 东北农业大学研究生院 Graduate School of Northeast Agricultural University
10225 东北林业大学研究生院 Graduate School of Northeast Forestry University
10246 复旦大学研究生院 Graduate School of Fudan University
10247 同济大学研究生院 Graduate School of Tongji University
10248 上海交通大学研究生院 Graduate School of Shanghai Jiao Tong University
10251 华东理工大学研究生院 Graduate School of East China University of Science and Technology
10255 东华大学研究生院 Graduate School of Donghua University
10264 上海海洋大学研究生院 Graduate School of Shanghai Ocean University
10268 上海中医药大学研究生院 Graduate School of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
10269 华东师范大学研究生院 Graduate School of East China Normal University
10271 上海外国语大学研究生院 Graduate School of Shanghai International Studies University
10272 上海财经大学研究生院 Graduate School of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
10277 上海体育大学研究生院 Graduate School of Shanghai University of Sport
10278 上海音乐学院研究生院 Graduate School of Shanghai Conservatory of Music
10280 上海大学研究生院 Graduate School of Shanghai University
10284 南京大学研究生院 Graduate School of Nanjing University
10285 苏州大学研究生院 Graduate School of Soochow University
10286 东南大学研究生院 Graduate School of Southeast University
10287 南京航空航天大学研究生院 Graduate School of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
10288 南京理工大学研究生院 Graduate School of Nanjing University of Science Technology
10290 中国矿业大学研究生院 Graduate School of China University of Mining and Technology
10293 南京邮电大学研究生院 Graduate School of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications
10294 河海大学研究生院 Graduate School of Hohai University
10295 江南大学研究生院 Graduate School of Jiangnan University
10298 南京林业大学研究生院 Graduate School of Nanjing Forestry University
10300 南京信息工程大学研究生院 Graduate School of Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology
10307 南京农业大学研究生院 Graduate School of Nanjing Agricultural University
10315 南京中医药大学研究生院 Graduate School of Nanjing University Of Chinese Medicine
10316 中国药科大学研究生院 Graduate School of China Pharmaceutical University
10319 南京师范大学研究生院 Graduate School of Nanjing Normal University
10335 浙江大学研究生院 Graduate School of Zhejiang University
10355 中国美术学院研究生院 Graduate School of China Academy of Art
10357 安徽大学研究生院 Graduate School of Anhui University
10358 中国科技大学研究生院 Graduate School of University of Science and Technology of China
10359 合肥工业大学研究生院 Graduate School of Hefei University of Technology
10364 安徽农业大学研究生院 Graduate School of Anhui Agricultural University
10403 南昌大学研究生院 Graduate School of Nanchang University
10422 山东大学研究生院 Graduate School of Shandong University
10423 中国海洋大学研究生院 China Ocean University
10425 中国石油大学(华东)研究生院 Graduate School of China University of Petroleum
11646 宁波大学研究生院 Graduate School of Ningbo University
91020 海军军医大学研究生院 Graduate School of Naval Medical University
10384 厦门大学研究生院 Graduate School of Xiamen University
10386 福州大学研究生院 Graduate School of Fuzhou University
10394 福建师范大学研究生院 Graduate School of Fujian Normal University
10558 中山大学研究生院 Graduate School of Sun Yat-sen University
10559 暨南大学研究生院 Graduate School of Jinan University
10561 华南理工大学研究生院 Graduate School of South China University of Techonlogy
10572 广州中医药大学研究生院 Graduate School of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine
10574 华南师范大学研究生院 Graduate School of South China Normal University
香港科技大学霍英东研究生院 HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School
10589 海南大学研究生院 Graduate School of Hainan University
10593 广西大学研究生院 Graduate School of Guangxi University
10610 四川大学研究生院 Graduate School of Sichuan University
10611 重庆大学研究生院 Graduate School of Chongqing University
10613 西南交通大学研究生院 Graduate School of Southwest Jiaotong University
10614 电子科技大学研究生院 Graduate School of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
10615 西南石油大学研究生院 Graduate School of Southwest Petroleum University
10616 成都理工大学研究生院 Graduate School of Chengdu University of Technology
10626 四川农业大学研究生院 Graduate School of Sichuan Agricultural University
10635 西南大学研究生院 Graduate School of Southwest University
10651 西南财经大学研究生院 Graduate School of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
10657 贵州大学研究生院 Graduate School of Guizhou University
10673 云南大学研究生院 Graduate School of Yunnan University
10694 西藏大学研究生院 Graduate School of Tibet University
10730 兰州大学研究生院 Graduate School of Lanzhou University
10743 青海大学研究生院 Graduate School of Qinghai University
10749 宁夏大学研究生院 Graduate School of Ningxia University
10755 新疆大学研究生院 Graduate School of Xinjiang University
10759 石河子大学研究生院 Graduate School of Shihezi University
91012 陆军军医大学研究生院 Graduate School of Army Medical University
91030 空军军医大学研究生院 Graduate School of Air Force Medical University
91002 国防科技大学研究生院 Graduate School of National University of Defense Technology
10718 陕西师范大学研究生院 Graduate School of Shaanxi Normal University
10712 西北农林科技大学研究生院 Graduate School of Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University
10710 长安大学研究生院 Graduate School of Chang'an University
10701 西安电子科技大学研究生院 Graduate School of Xidian University
10699 西北工业大学研究生院 Graduate School of Northwestern Polytechnical University
10698 西安交通大学研究生院 Graduate School of Xi'an Jiaotong University
10697 西北大学研究生院 Graduate School of Northwest University
10542 湖南师范大学研究生院 Graduate School of Hunan Normal University
10533 中南大学研究生院 Graduate School of Central South University
10532 湖南大学研究生院 Graduate School of Hunan University
10520 中南财经政法大学研究生院 Graduate School of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law
10511 华中师范大学研究生院 Graduate School of Central China Normal University
10504 华中农业大学研究生院 Graduate School of Huazhong Agricultural University
10497 武汉理工大学研究生院 Graduate School of Wuhan University of Technology
10491 中国地质大学(武汉)研究生院 Graduate School of China University of Geosciences
10487 华中科技大学研究生院 Graduate School of Huazhong University of Science and Technology of China
10486 武汉大学研究生院 Graduate School of Wuhan University
10475 河南大学研究生院 Graduate School of Henan University
10459 郑州大学研究生院 Graduate School of Zhengzhou University