International Scholars Service Platform
November 02,2022
Peking University International Scholars Online Service Platform is a complex service platform that combines websites, WeChat account and service system.
The aim of the platform is to provide high-quality and convenient service for Peking University international scholars of different areas, programs and employment terms. First, the platform integrates first-hand information on induction orientation, campus life and additional resources. Second, the platform directs international scholars through procedures of international affairs. Third, the platform provides a window for exchange between international scholars and Office of International Relations at Peking University.
The platform is composed of 2 Websites (English and Chinese), 1 WeChat Account and 1 Service System.
1)English Website: serves international scholars with news and events, procedures and resources.
2)Chinese Website: provides schools and departments with information, application and publicity services on inviting international scholars.
3)WeChat Account of Peking University International Faculty Center (“PKU_IFC”): serves as a mobile version of English Website with an intelligent Q&A and Message window.
4)Service System: establishes whole process service based on data management and process construction.
We sincerely welcome all advice and feedback on the building and improvement of the platform. With your continuous support, we will endeavor to bring about wonderful experiences for international scholars at Peking University.
Office of International Relations,
Peking University