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    1. What is the Global Open Courses Program?


    Having had a successful experience during the previous year in migrating courses and services to an online environment, Peking University has initiated its Global Open Courses Program (hereinafter, “Program”) to open some of its courses to international students outside China. All courses included in the Program are the same as Peking University’s regular courses that are offered to PKU students; the only difference is that international students can use online means to attend these in-person courses and interact in real time with PKU students. We are trying our best to improve the technology to allow online students to have the same study environment as the offline students.

  • Q:

    2. Who can take the Global Open Courses?


    The Global Open Courses Program is divided into two sub-programs: 1. Courses under the program that are only open to PKU's overseas partner universities (if you are not sure whether your university has a partnership agreement with PKU or not, please email globalopencourses@pku.edu.cn for confirmation). 2. Certificate programs that are open to all students who are interested.

  • Q:

    3. What are the requirements to take the courses?


    The Global Open Courses Program is divided into two sub-programs: Courses under the GOC program have the same academic requirements as other PKU offline courses, whereas certificate programs have their own prerequisites for application. For details on certificate program prerequisites, please refer to each program's conditions for application. Each course's academic requirements will be specified in its syllabus. Since the salient feature of the Program's courses is that online and offline students attend the course at the same time, no course recording will be provided. Online students must attend the classes at the same time as the offline students and will engage with their counterparts in real time during the class. Please note that some courses are taught in English while others are taught in Chinese.

  • Q:

    4. What fees will be charged?


    Currently, no fees are charged for regular courses. However, certificate programs may have fees charged. Additionally, fees could be charged depending on the program the student is enrolled in.

  • Q:

    5. Can I get PKU credits from the Program?


    Students may get PKU credits and transcripts after they successfully finish the course(s) and meet all requirements. As international students take these courses online and, at the same time, they also take courses from their home universities, it is highly recommended that each student select no more than two courses from the Program.

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