Outgoing Exchange

Course selection and grades

1. Regarding the requirement of completing all Required courses before exchanging, does it refer to all of the Required courses needed to take before graduation or the ones from previous semesters based on the teaching schedule, while the remaining Required course could be studied at the partner university with 4-credit transfers or completed after coming back?

    Graduate Program (MFin BA; MPAcc; Maud; Academic Master):

    Our students must take courses approved by their home university in the host institution and fill out the "Student Course Transfer and Credit Transfer Form." All accredited courses must be submitted with a transcript after the exchange.

    MBA Program

    MBA Program Office must approve the list of courses before conforming with the host university and can recognize and transfer back your credits taken at your host university. All accredited courses must be submitted with a transcript after the exchange. Students must complete all mandatory courses in accordance with the teaching schedule before exchange (it is normal to have not completed them at the time of application, but it is essential to pass all mandatory courses before the exchange semester starts, otherwise, the exchange opportunity will be canceled).

2. Can the courses are taken during the exchange be converted into credits at Peking University?

    Partially possible. However, there are requirements for course selection. Please submit the course(s) you wish to take and be approved by PKU before finalizing the registration at the host university.

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