Residence Registration
Residence registration must be completed within 24 hours after your arrival and check-in.• If you will stay at a hotel, please register at the front desk of the hotel.• If you won’t stay at a hotel, please register at the nearby police station. To register, you should go with your landlord and take your passport and rental contract. The landlord should take his or her ID card and housing own...
Residence Permit
Residence RegistrationResidence registration must be completed within 24 hours after your arrival and check-in.• If you will stay at a hotel, please register at the front desk of the hotel.• If you won’t stay at a hotel, please register at the nearby police station. To register, you should go with your landlord and take your passport and rental contract. The landlord should take his or her I...
Campus Card
Campus MapCampus CardInternational faculty whowork atPKU formore than30daysare eligible to apply for a PKU campus card(but nottheir family members), which is an identity card that allows convenient campus entry, access to the library and internet service and serves as a dining card in on-campus canteens and cafes.Campus CardApplication Procedures:1).Collect an “Application Form for Campus Card...
Internet Service
You can access PKU campus Internet with your campus card account. To gain access,pleasefirst go to the IT Services Center to activate your campus card for Internet service. After you have activated your account, you can connect to the Internet while you are on campus by visiting the website http://its.pku.edu.cn/ and logging in with your PKU internet account and password.IT Services Center:Addr...
Canteens and Cafes
A number of canteens, restaurants and cafes are located either on or outside campus.The location of each dining hall is clearly marked on the university map.Video:A Bite of Peking University:https://v.qq.com/x/page/y0373txdih5.htmlCanteensDining on campus is about freedom and leisure. PKU offers roughly a dozen differentcanteensand cafeterias. Please note that the food at the most of campus can...
Certificate of Income and Employment
If you need a certificate of monthly income details, please go to the Salary Office of the Financial Department to consult. Remember to bring your campus card.Salary Office of the Financial Department at PKU:Address: Room 112, Finance Department Building, PKUTel: 010-62751250, 010-62751254E-mail: cwb112@pku.edu.cnIf you need to issue a certificate of employment and salary, please consult the Pe...
Certificate of Tax Payment Records
1. If you need a certificate of individual income tax payment records, you can apply it online:1) Download “个人所得税(Individual Tax)” APP, and register. Use [我要办税(Tax records)]--[纳税记录开具(Issue of tax records)] to generate and download your income tax payment records. 2) Log in to https://etax.chinatax.gov.cn/, use [特色应用(Features)]—[纳税记录开具(Issuance of tax records)] to d...
Personal Financial Information Updates
In order to receive salaries, declare individual income taxes and housing provident funds, please make sure to update in time your personal information on passport, bank card, and campus card with the Salary Office of the Financial Department. Please contact the PKU Salary Office of the Financial Office at cwb112@pku.edu.cn